Give Your Boat a Bath.

Summer is in full swing and hopefully, you've been enjoying your boat. If you're like most, your boat might need a quick clean before the Forth of July holiday.

Here are some quick tips to keep your ride looking shiny all summer long.

Exterior: A good wipe down of the exterior after every use is important - this helps prevent those water sports from forming. This is easier than you may think. Simply, Fill a spray bottle with 20% vinegar/80% water, spray and wipe down.

For those who may not wipe down as often as they should, use  a  mild  detergent  such  as  Dawn  or  Ivory  dish  soap and water to wash the exterior and the interior.  Stay  away  from  any abrasive  cleaners,  solvents,  ammonia  or  chlorine  to  prevent  gel  coat  damage and will dry out the upholstery.  

It  is  very important to preserve our vinyl.  Many things can stain the interior if left untreated.  Always remove the contaminant and clean the vinyl immediately.  A  regular  washing with the mild detergent mentioned above can  keep the upholstery looking great.  Do not soak the cushion and make sure the seats and carpet are dry before covering or storing the boat to  prevent mildew build up.  Vinegar-Water can also be used on the interior for a quick wipe down.  Before using any sort of cleaning solution, check your Owner's Manual for recommendations. Using the wrong solution can dry out your vinyl causing cracking and tearing.  In some cases, using the wrong cleaning solutions can even void a warranty.   

When cleaning tempered glass windshields, such as that on your boat, normal glass cleaners from aerosol cans or spray bottles work best.  Spray on the solution and wipe it clean with a microfiber cloth.  Harsh chemicals or solvents should be avoided

Want a clean boat, but don’t have the time to do the scrubbing yourself? Give  us  a  call.   

Detail Services are comprehensive and affordable! Redline Service is provided by appointment only. Call 608-838-0838